Hi, I’m Bonny!
I’m soul excited to be your mentor and guide on this life-changing journey of Self discovery!
Most people know me as an award-winning technology journalist, marketing director, and content strategist. I’ve been interviewing business leaders and harnessing the power of storytelling to bring brands to life for over 20 years.
The truth is, for most of my life, I was too busy trying to be perfect and being a hero to others to notice that I was actually living my life on autopilot!
A heartbreaking career disappointment was the catalyst for me getting radically curious about myself and the patterns and beliefs shaping my life.
When I got brave and journeyed inward, I discovered how disconnected I had become from my heart and my deepest yearnings.
I also uncovered hidden patterns and conditioning that had been shaping – and shrinking!! – my power as a woman, leader, and creator.
Real talk, sister – I guarantee you have some of those hidden patterns, too.
Over the past five years, I’ve deepened my relationship with spirituality and become passionate about tending my inner landscape so I can create a more beautiful outer world.
This journey has inspired me to become a women-centered coach, with certification pending from the Institute for Women-Centered Coaching, Training, and Leadership. Founded by Dr. Claire Zammit and backed by over 20 years of research, this transformational coaching framework has changed the lives of more than 60,000 women around the world.
My bold vision is to use my wisdom and skills to awaken the feminine power and the lioness heart of every woman I know – and that means You.
I want you to have the self-awareness and growth mindset you need to unlock the invisible cage you’ve been living in and share your magic with the world!
Sister, I know you’ve spent your entire life being a hero to your friends, family, and coworkers.
Isn’t it time to awaken your inner lioness and become a hero to your Self?
Let’s get started!
Join the Lioness Self-Leadership Circle